Архив за месяц: Декабрь 2012
Literature 1.Shrobot S.I., Hara I.I. Neurology in lectures. -Ternopil :TSMU “Ukrmedknyha” — 2008.-319p. 2.Sokolova L.I., Myalovitska O.A.”Tests and clinical tasks”. Kyiv, 2012.- 40p. 3. Study Guide of the practical course “Neurological diseases”. Part 1. Worked out by Sokolova L.I., Myalovitska … Читать далее
List of questions for Final module control
List of questions for Final module control Module: General neurology. Special neurology Content module 1. Introduction. Pathology of sensitive, reflexive and motor functions of the nervous system. History of the neurology development. Domestic and foreign neurological schools. Contemporary … Читать далее
Distribution of points, given to students
Distribution of points, given to students # Module (current study activity) Amount of points Content module 1 24 1. Theme 2 8 2. Theme 3 8 3. Theme 4 8 Content module 2 24 4. Theme 5 8 … Читать далее
List of Neurology themes suggested for the Individual Independent Student’s Work
List of Neurology themes suggested for the Individual Independent Student’s Work (ISW) Theme. Main stages of neurological science development. Principles of the nervous system structure and functioning. First investigations of the nervous system diseases (Hippocrates, Gallen, Avicenna). Neurology study … Читать далее
Long term plan of the neurology practical course
Long term plan of the neurology practical course for english-speaking students 2012-2013 years 37a, 38a № Theme of lessons Date, Time Sensitive function. Syndromes of sensitive disorders. 17.09 8.20-13.50 Reflex-motor function of nervous system and its pathology. Kinds of paralyses. … Читать далее