Архив рубрики: for english-speaking students


№ Module  (current educational activity) Amount|quantity| of marks|balls,numbers|   Semantic module 1 27 1. Theme 2 9 2. Theme 3 9 3. Theme 4 9   Semantic module 2 27 4. Theme 5 9 5. Theme 6 9 6. Theme … Читать далее

Рубрика: for english-speaking students | Комментарии к записи DIVISION OF THE MARKS APPROPRIATED TO STUDENTS отключены


The current control is carried out on every practical lesson according to the concrete purposes of theme, during individual work of teacher with a student for those themes which student works over independently and they do not enter the structure … Читать далее

Рубрика: for english-speaking students | Комментарии к записи FORMS OF CONTROL отключены

Independent working out of themes which outside of the plan of audience classes

General Neurology Theme. The main periods of development neurology as science. Principles of structure and functioning of the nervous system.    The first researches of neurologic diseases’ (Gypokrat, Galen, Avicena), studing Neurology in the  universities of the Middle Ages and … Читать далее

Рубрика: for english-speaking students | Комментарии к записи Independent working out of themes which outside of the plan of audience classes отключены

Long-term plan of the neurology lecture course

Long-term plan of the neurology lecture course for english-speaking students 2010-2011 years   N Theme of lectures Date Lecturer 1. Reflex-motor function of nervous system. Syndromes of movement disorders in the cases of lesion different level of motor tract   4.10 … Читать далее

Рубрика: for english-speaking students | Комментарии к записи Long-term plan of the neurology lecture course отключены

List of practical skills in Neurology

To be able to examine nervous system sensitive function: —         pain, temperature sensation, tactile sensitivity —         deep proprioceptive sensitivity & vibration sensation —         stereognosis & two-dimension space feeling To be able to examine tension symptoms (Lasseg, Neri, Wasserman, Degerine). To … Читать далее

Рубрика: for english-speaking students | Комментарии к записи List of practical skills in Neurology отключены