General Neurology
Theme. The main periods of development neurology as science. Principles of structure and functioning of the nervous system.
The first researches of neurologic diseases’ (Gypokrat, Galen, Avicena), studing Neurology in the universities of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Organization the first department of neurology in the universities of Moscow, Kharkov, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Lvov etc. Native and foreign neurologic schools. Modern direction of neurology development: differentiation of neurology and integration with other sciebces.
Main stage of neurologic system phylogenesis and ontogenesis.
Main anotomico- topographic patrs of neurologic system. Base and functional unit of neurologic system. Neuron types, their functional sense. Neuroglia, her functional sense. Main princeples of neurologic system functions.
Special neurology
Theme. Vascular diseases of a spinal cord.
Haematomyelia and haematorrhachis. Ischemic spinal stroke. Etiology and pathogenesis. Symptomatology. Diagnostics. Intensive care in the acute period.
Patients treatment in the residual period after cerebral and spinal stroke. Rehabilitation and examination of able-bodied patients. Prophylaxis of vascular brain and spinal cord diseases.
Theme. Professional and common neurointoxications. Nervous system damage by impact of physical factors.
Damage of the nerve system by the industrial poisons with neurotropic action (lead, mercury, manganese, arsenic, carbone monoxide, tetraethyl lead, carbone disulfide, methyl alcohol, organophosphorous compounds). Clinical manifestation, neurological syndromes, treatment, prevention.
Food neurointoxication, botulism. Neurological manifestations of alcoholism. Clinical manifestation of acute poisoning of barbiturates. First aid.
Vibration disease. Radiation damage of nervous system, electrotrauma of nervous system, damage of nervous system in the case of warm and sun shock. Clinical manifestation, neurological syndromes, treatment, prevention.
Theme. Parasitic diseases of nervous system, prion infection, neuroborreliosis.
Echinococcosis, cysticercosis, toxoplasmosis of nervous system. Ways of transmission. Clinical manifestations. Diagnostics, treatment, prevention.
Prion infections. Creutzfeldt-Jacob`s disease (ethiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, treatment).
Neuroborreliosis (Laim`s disease) – ways of transmission, clinic-epidemic data, laboratory diagnostics, treatment, prevention.
Theme. Perinatal damages of nervous system. Cerebral palsy.
Ethiological factors of perinatal damage of nervous system (antenatal, delivery trauma, brain damage in early postdelivery period). Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (acute period, recovery period).
Cerebral palsy, clinical forms. Diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.
Theme. Congenital faults of spinal column and spinal cord. Syringomyelia.
Craniovertebral anomalies: Clippel-Weil syndrom, Arnold-Kiari syndrom. Spinal cord hypoplasy. Spinal hernias.
Syringomyelia: ethiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, clinical manifestations. Diagnostics, differential diagnostics. Treatment.
Theme. Drugs which are used in neurology.
Groups of drugs which are used in treatment of neurology diseases: neuroprotectors; drugs which improve cerebral hemodynamics; antiparcinsonic drugs; antiepileptic drugs; antimigrainic, vegetotropic, antiaterosclerotic drugs and biogenic stimulators; neuroleptics, antistress; interferons; drugs which are used by neuromuscular, autoimmune, demyelinating diseases, by herpetic lesions, muscules distoniae and hyperkinesis.
Theme. Lesions of nervous system by somatic diseases.
Somatic-neurology syndromes, which arise in case of metabolic disorders of nervous system, hypoxia, pathological reflex impulses by somatic diseases. Astenic syndrom, syndrom of vegetative distonia, polyneuropathy syndrome, neuro-muscular syndrome. Somatic-neurology syndromes by lungs, heart, blood, kidneys, collagenoses, digestive system and endocrine system diseases.
Theme. Kinds and nosological forms of headache. Migraine.
Ethiology and mechanisms of headache: vascular, liquor-dynamic, neuralgetic, psyhalgetic, muscle tension, mixed. Classification. Nosological forms of headache: migraine, pain of muscle tension, claster pain. Differential diagnostics, methods of treatment.
Migraine. Ethiologe, modern mechanism of pathogenesis. Clinical forms (migraine with aura or without it), diagnostics, differential diagnostics, principles of treatment (seizures and periods between seizures).
Independent working themes had proved at scientific-methodic sub-faculty meeting 30.08.10
Head of the neurology department,
professor S.M.Vinichuk